New 120 x 120 format for ceramic tiles

From these lines, we would like to congratulate the new tiles format 120 x 120, which we believe offers many advantages to architects, designers, builders, remodelers, distributors, retailers, installers, contractors, …
For our company, Talleres Cortés S.L., we love this new world with endless options, and we are amazed at the possibilities that this format 120 x120 can offer in terms of design.

It would be great that in addition, any tiles company would be able to offer any design in 3d relief immediately. Customers could propose changes to the relief designs and the tiles company could offer them within 24 hours.
Therefore, we love that tiles company rely upon our company to offer all this much and more.
And, thanks to a continued effort in R + D + i, we have created the online selling 3d reliefs’ web, which have at your disposal all our collection of designs for purchase and immediate use. All designs have the milling program prepared to deliver when.
Can you imagine how much time and money can you save?
Can you imagine all the advantages that this means for your customers?
From the design department of Talleres Cortés in Spain, we can instantly send you to your country the CNC programming, whether it’s for milling biscuits, resins, vulcanized templates, punches, etc.
If your customer asks you any relief modification , we can make it in 24 hours.

At your next meeting with customers, you could be able now to offer the following:

• Catalogue of our website designs from now.
• Possibility to make any changes of a relief in 24 hours.