This step reinforces the collaboration between Talleres Cortés and all its customers in Indonesia, being now able to provide representation and continued service to the entire tile industry in the area.
It is clear from the data the importance of Indonesia in the expansion plans of Talleres Cortés. This is evident because this market is the 15th in the world, with more than $ 2,330 of income per capita in 2009 and 240 million population, which has a 2% high level of income and 18% can be considered middle class, has the highest GDP of ASEAN area (about 539.377 million U.S. dollars).
Thanks to the enormous growth oriented toward the tile industry, both for the domestic market and for export, Indonesia makes a key point where demand precision moulds and designs for the tile industry, and there is where Cortés moulds are able to cover highest expectations.
Indonesia, however, stands out not only as a large market and have a more than respectable level of imports, with a 230% growth between 2003 and 2007, but also for its huge potential for the future (fourth in the world by population), which makes it a country of interest for investments for the entire Southeast Asia and Asia in general.
It is fairly widespread opinion that once Indonesia has improved its infrastructure, particularly in transport, could raise its annual growth rate of GDP from current levels (around 6%) up to 7% or 8%.
Indonesia is the new emerging country in the current BRIC group, where machinery with the highest quality standards is required, and Talleres Cortés is able to cover all these needs perfectly with its precision moulds and mould with relief.